Friday, June 28, 2013

Living in the past

What is a good game to put you in a historical world?

There are a number of games out there that let you enter a different era and explore the world around you.  One of these games is L.A. Noire.  Although the game isn't directly related to a Social Studies topic, it is set in the 1940s and allows the players to feel like they are in that world! You play as a police officer in the city of Los Angeles as you try to solve a number murders over the course of your game.  The game seems to involve some psychological elements as you try to read the facial expressions and mannerisms of characters to tell if they are a reliable source of information, or even whether they are innocent or not.  The setting of the game gives an accurate portrayal of 1940s L.A. and the murders are actually based on a number of cases which did occur in the 40s! This is an excellent choice for any mystery lovers out there who want to experience a taste of life in 1940s L.A. 

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